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Contribution Guide

We're so excited that you want to contribute to Furiko! We will briefly outline the different ways you can contribute to the project.


Before contributing, refer to the Roadmap which covers planned features and developments for Furiko.

Core Kubernetes Operators

We welcome all code contributions to the core Furiko Kubernetes operators. This includes the following:

  • Execution: Configuration and execution of scheduled and adhoc jobs.
  • Federation (WIP): Add-on for managing jobs across multiple Kubernetes clusters.
  • Telemetry (WIP): Add-on for notifications, monitoring and telemetry of jobs and executions.

The code for the Kubernetes operators lives in For more information, refer to the Contribution Guide.

We also welcome design proposals, feature requests and ideas for the scope of Furiko. Please head over to the issue tracker on GitHub and open an issue to discuss your idea there.

Command-Line Tools

The furiko CLI tool is also located in the main Furiko repository. For more information, refer to the Contribution Guide.

User Interface

We currently don't have a user interface for Furiko. If you have experience in building performant and complex web applications, we would love to hear from you.


You can also contribute to this very site! If you find that any documentation is lacking or unclear, or if you simply found a typo, we are more than happe to accept contributions big or small.

The code for this website lives in For more information, refer to the Contribution Guide.


No project can succeed without the confidence of tests, including both automated tests and the hard work of QA testers.

Some areas that we would love contributions in include:

  • Setting up test infrastructure
  • Designing end-to-end tests for controllers and webhooks
  • Increasing code coverage of unit tests
  • Stress/scalability testing
  • Security testing and fuzzing

Other Ways to Contribute

There are tons of other ways to contribute to the project.