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Task Executors

Furiko supports an extensible task executor interface, which allows tasks to be created, managed and reconciled in the same way regardless of the actual backing object.

Task Index

A Job creates one or more tasks during its lifecycle. Each task corresponds to a single parallel and retry index for the Job:

  • Parallel Index: If the Job has N parallel tasks, then there are N parallel indexes. Otherwise, there is 1 parallel index (i.e. it is not parallel).
  • Retry Index: If the Job specifies maxAttempts of M, then there are up to M retry indexes.

Therefore, each Task corresponds to a single (N, M) combination of the above indexes. As an example, for a Job with a parallelism factor of 3 and maxAttempts of 2, up to 6 tasks will be created for the Job (assuming that each attempt had failed).

Task Executor List

Currently the only task executor available in Furiko is pod, but more task executors are planned in the Roadmap.


Each task will be created as a Pod. On a typical Kubernetes cluster, this translates to one or more containers that run to completion.

Example Pod TaskTemplate
annotations: jobconfig-sample-pod
- args:
- echo
- Hello world!
image: alpine
name: job-container
cpu: 100m
memory: 64Mi

Virtual Pods

Using tools such as Virtual Kubelet, it may be possible for the Pods to manifest as objects other than a CRI container in Kubernetes.

If Virtual Kubelet is provisioned in the cluster, some possible use cases include:

  1. Running Pods on serverless compute platforms like AWS Fargate
  2. Extending to multi-cluster with Admiralty

The usage and support of Virtual Kubelet is outside the scope of the Furiko project.



Currently planned in the Roadmap.

Each task will be created as an Argo Workflow object. Requires Argo Workflows to be installed in the cluster (not included with Furiko).