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Execution Controller Config

This page contains the full bootstrap configuration for ExecutionController.

# Here we define the bootstrap config for execution-controller.
# These values are used for bootstrapping of the controller manager at startup,
# so changing any values here require a restart of execution-controller in order
# to take effect.
kind: ExecutionControllerConfig

# defaultResync controls the default resync duration.
defaultResync: 10m

# leaderElection controls leader election configuration.
# enabled controls whether leader election is enabled.
enabled: true

# leaseName controls the name used for the lease.
# If left empty, then a default name will be used.
leaseName: execution-controller

# leaseNamespace controls the namespace used for the lease.
leaseNamespace: furiko-system

# leaseDuration is the duration that non-leader candidates will wait after
# observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a
# led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that
# a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate. This is
# only applicable if leader election is enabled.
leaseDuration: 30s

# renewDeadline is the interval between attempts by the acting master to renew
# a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to
# the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled.
renewDeadline: 15s

# retryPeriod is the duration the clients should wait between attempting
# acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader
# election is enabled.
retryPeriod: 5s

# dynamicConfigs defines how to load dynamic configs.
# configMap defines how the dynamic ConfigMap is loaded.
namespace: furiko-system
name: execution-dynamic-config

# secret defines how the dynamic Secret is loaded.
namespace: furiko-system
name: execution-dynamic-config

# HTTP handler configuration.
# bindAddress is the TCP address that the controller should bind to for serving
# HTTP requests.
bindAddress: ":8080"

# metrics controls metrics serving.
# enabled is whether the controller manager enables serving Prometheus metrics.
enabled: true

# health controls health status serving.
# enabled is whether the controller manager enables serving health probes.
enabled: true

# readinessProbePath is the path to the readiness probe.
readinessProbePath: "/readyz"

# livenessProbePath is the path to the liveness probe.
livenessProbePath: "/healthz"

# controllerConcurrency defines the concurrency factor for individual controllers.
# cron controls the concurrency for the Cron controller.
factorOfCPUs: 4

# job controls the concurrency for the Job controller.
factorOfCPUs: 4

# jobConfig controls the concurrency for the JobConfig controller.
factorOfCPUs: 4

# jobQueue controls the concurrency for the JobQueue controller.
factorOfCPUs: 4